AT-LINE-PRO2 ***Discontinued***

AT-LINE-PRO2 ***Discontinued***

• • • Discontinued • • •

Replaced with AT-UHD-SW-51 and AT-UHD-CLSO-601

Model Number: AT-LINE-PRO2

  • Both digital and analog inputs are format converted and pixel re-scaled through the AT-LINE-PRO2. It outputs a range of formats and resolutions that will easily match the native resolution of your display to ensure highest picture quality.
  • Composite, S-Video, Component, VGA, HDMI inputs
  • Digital Audio Output, perfect for routing audio through an independent audio system.
  • Supports PC RGB input up to WUXGA.
  • Supports HDTV RGB/YPbPr/YCbCr up to 1080p.
  • 50Hz/60Hz conversion, if the input is 50Hz or 60Hz, you would be able to manually select either one on the output, perfect for customers who have USA TV’s in Europe or other way around(PAL/NTSC).
  • HDCP Compliant
SKU: AT-LINE-PRO2 Category: